Raising a Child Outside of the Mainstream

Below are some photos of my daughter enjoying some unschooling while we hung around the South of Spain for a year and a half. She entertained herself with beachcombing, painting pebbles, gymnastics, fishing, fire-building, doll-play, reading and playing her instruments. She wore mostly charity shop and flea market bought clothes.
She never went back to school and has been homeschooled for four years. She's not watched TV since she was two, never owned a phone or gadget (apart from an £11 retro gameboy type thing she can use very occasionally), very restricted access to modern music, very few modern films, no social media, etc).
Poor kid missing out! She'll hate me when she's older.

If you can, raise your children freerange, awake, gadget-free, home-schooled and matrix-protected as much as possible. Even if you have to lose income, lose friends, suffer societal wrath and go it alone. I don't know what the outcome of this rebellious act will be for either of us, but I do know that the alternative is fruitless, so avoid it at all costs.

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