The Tower of Babel & The Globalist Elite

I watched this short film about the Biblical Tower of Babel last night. It's amazing how similar the situation is today. Here are the points I noticed:
1. A man is appointed leader, becomes wealthy and powerful, and then becomes corrupt, heartless, brutal, tunnel-visioned and power-hungry. (The curse of the elites).
2. The rich man pushes forth with his lofty pet-projects despite them causing misery to the masses. (Like Agenda 21 and 2030, smart cities, etc).
3. The masses generally remain subservient to the brutal rich man and heroise him with cult-like fawning, incapable of breaking from the brainwashed norm. (1984).
4. All tools, sharp implements and metal is removed from the masses...for the 'war' effort of building the tower, thus depriving the people of the ability to defend themselves. (Like the removal of guns quest).
5. The rich man's Utopian project starts off small and becomes increasingly outlandish and crippling.
6. The all-powerful leader demands adoration from his subjects, placing depictions of his face all over the building. (Like Stalin and Lenin).
7. The guards continue to protect the corrupt leader despite clear evidence of evil. (As we see today with the heavily armed riot police beating the people who are opposed to the evil leaders).
8. A small number of brave revolutionaries risk their lives to save the masses.
The quest to build ever-higher towers, minarets, ziggurats and pyramids was due to the ancient people believing they could meet with their gods if only they could get high enough. This desire to physically reach the heavens is behind the recent trips to outer space by Branson and Bezos. The story of Babel is about not building great monuments to God or attempting to physically reach up to the heavens, but to find him in spirit. It's also a lesson to men to not thirst for wealth and power, or pursue futile pet-projects that cause misery to millions. The Old Testament has lots of similar stories and they always end with divine judgement. There is nothing new under the sun. The elites will get their comeuppance.

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